Category: Podcast

Are You Journaling Yet?

Are You Journaling Yet?

Another thing I had gotten off routine with was journaling.  It is such a natural thing after you’ve meditated or had prayer time, but there are so many other uses as well.  

It helped me so much even before I started this healing journey.  So today I’m talking about journaling, ways you can do it and the benefits.

Listen below or wherever you get your podcasts.

Meditation & Prayer

Meditation & Prayer

I recently heard someone say… I don’t want to get too woo here but have you ever tried meditation.  This was in response to someone who is struggling with their health.  I was actually taken aback… Why was meditation just a woo thing?  Are prayer and meditation really so different?
I decided to dive into the thought and perhaps show they really aren’t.

Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

Loss & Transition

Loss & Transition

In this episode I am really pondering how to help a couple of friends who are going through significant losses in their lives.  Job loss… losing a loved one.  They may be very different events but the feeling of loss is the feeling of loss.
And how many of us continue to pay attention once the loss and initial shock has passed and our friends move into a new and different routine?

Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

Like the Song Says, Let It Go…

Like the Song Says, Let It Go…

One of the biggest struggles I’ve have in my life has been with control… letting go and trusting God and the universe.  This episode I decided to talk about some recent experiences that have shown me I can grow and change.

We talk a little about how I got there and some ideas that may help you as well.

Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

Talking Church & Things with Coach Tammy

Talking Church & Things with Coach Tammy

For you guys that have been following my journey, you know I’ve been deep diving into my spiritual journey and it has opened up some beautiful moments and conversations.  

In this episode I talk deconstructing our church relationship with my beautiful, wonder woman friend Coach Tammy.

Tammy is a coach and host of her own amazing podcast at Coming Out Gold, which you should absolutely check out.  

You can find out how to work with her at her website,

Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

Herb Academy & a Few Other Things

Herb Academy & a Few Other Things

In today’s episode we talk with my friend Spring about all things herbs and a few other topics.   We discuss the many uses of herbs, how it’s not a “woo” thing, and how many of use are already using them in our daily lives in ways we didn’t even realize.   

Spring teaches an Heritage Herbal Academy, conducts monthly moon circles and produces the River House Witch quarterly magazine…. among many other talents!
If you wish to join one of these groups or learn more, visit

Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

What’s the Deal with Tarot Cards

What’s the Deal with Tarot Cards

In this episode we dive into Tarot cards.  Many people are raised to believe they are somehow taboo, but for many others, they are tool to give messages and help people in their lives.  

Thanks to Courtney with Quartz Enchantment Tarot for talking with us today.

If you are looking for Courtney you can find her on her facebook group

She can be found at in Holden, Massachusetts.  

Make sure to look her up for your next reading.

Listen here or anywhere you get your podcasts.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa