About Me

My name is Heather and I am an intuitive who works with individuals and small business owners to help them create strategies that get them unstuck.     

I am a writer, photographer, and psychic/medium who also brings 30 years of Marketing and Design experience to the table.

Using my intuitive abilities, I am able to help people dig into their challenges and help them work to find solutions that bring them success both in business and their spiritual growth. My specialty is taking people by the hand and guiding them to their next steps by creating strategies and frameworks unique to that person or business.

I am a giant nerd who loves all things Marvel, DC, Harry Potter and more. I also love any and all creative outlets like drawing, floral design, singing and I love a good DIY project.

If you are interested, I also have a blog website where you can follow my adventures in Cajun country as the Pretend Cajun.

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Cape Town, South Africa